러시아 전승 70주년 기념 퍼레이드에 동원된 MSTA-S 자주포

러시아 전승 70주년 기념 퍼레이드에 동원된 MSTA-S 자주포

입력 2015-05-10 15:32
수정 2015-05-10 15:32
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MSTA-S 자주포(self-propelled howitzer)
MSTA-S 자주포(self-propelled howitzer)

A MSTA-S self-propelled howitzer drives during the Victory Day military parade at Red Square in Moscow on May 9, 2015. Russian President Vladimir Putin presides over a huge Victory Day parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Soviet win over Nazi Germany, amid a Western boycott of the festivities over the Ukraine crisis.

ⓒ AFPBBNews=News1/온라인뉴스부 iseoul@seoul.co.kr

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